Friday, September 05, 2008

The Cell Phone Law

The Cell phone law is so irritating. This new law (details found here) is so unnecessary. I don't care what studies they have that prove people are not as aware when talking on the phone. Truth is, the law does not prevent talking on the phone, it prevents having one in your hand. The fact of the matter is that any idiot that would potentially get in an accident over "phone distraction" will just as easily fall prey to any other distraction while driving. In this case we better make a law against driving with a "double double" in your hand or make it illegal for a mother to drive with children in the back seat.

Everyone has distractions on the road. Trying to outlaw distractions is like outlawing banks because they could potentially be robbed. Distractions should be dealt with by the people not by the government. If a cop sees someone driving recklessly because he/she is talking on the phone, that should be means for a ticket, not just the fact they are talking on the phone. People need to know their limits. I for one, know that I can talk on the phone while driving just fine, but switching lanes takes an extra amount of focus on my part, so when the time comes to switch lanes, I put the phone down. I do not talk on the phone in chaotic traffic because I need to concentrate on the road. People just need to use common sense. I guess I just get irritated when I see new laws passed that are dealing with common sense type issues. Why are we "forced" to wear seat belts, wear helmets, and use bluetooth?


Dubhglais said...

The issue here is not the law itself, but the cause of it. The government has no business involving itself in the personal affairs of its people. It is supposed to be there to serve the people, not inflict petty laws upon its citizens giving rise to more punishments and more stress on the citizens.
People have become too used to big government and its rules. The law passes and people merely complain what has happened. Instead we should realize that we are being owned by the government and not the other way around; as it should be. Fight for our freedoms! Down with big government!

Ryanakin said...

I completely agree with both of these comments. The government is completely overstepping its bounds by "inflicting" (I like your use of that word, Dougy, because it's true) superfluous laws that, as Paul said, replace the need for people to use common sense and instead give policemen one more excuse to pull people over and fulfill their quotas. If some moron would rather take his life into his own hands by not wearing a seatbelt because it's uncomfortable, then, by all means, he, as a free citizen of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, should be entitled to express that freedom by being a schmuck and spooning with the nearest road kill when he's thrown from the vehicle because "the seatbelt chafes his shoulder".

The problem is, people are unwilling to accept responsibility when they're being stupid. When people see that happen, instead of saying, "wow, that guy wasn't smart to not wear his seatbelt," people say, "there should be a law against not wearing seatbelts". Congratulations, sky captain, the buck has been passed from you to the government, who is more than willing to stick their nose in our business and shaft us by taking more of our tax dollars to pay officials who spend x amount of dollars writing up another unnecessary law that replaces our need for common sense and increases our dependency on Uncle Sam.

This cell phone law is the exact same thing. If I crash because I'm more focused on my conversation than the road, it isn't completely my fault. How was I supposed to know that talking on a cell phone and driving could cause me to get into an accident? Why didn't my government tell me? If there was a law in place, then I never would have done it (which is a crock, because how many of us break the speed limit...I mean, come on!).

The liberals think it's the government's job to save the world, which is pretty darn close to a socialist way of looking at things. People can't save themselves, so it's the government's job to do so. This just goes to show that when the government knocks on my door and says, "We're the government, and we're here to help", it's my responsibility to say, "Nah, I'm good. I'm smart enough not to text while I'm driving".

This goes to show that too many people have idolized government. God was taken out of courtrooms, so it's up to humanity to enforce the law. That scares me. Government and laws in and of themselves are necessary things (Romans 7:7-8). As James Madison states in the Federalist No. 51, "But what is government itself but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary". Men are sinful and fallen creatures by nature (Romans 3:23, 7:18), and only through faith in Jesus are we worth anything. God created the ten commandments and graciously sent us the Holy Spirit after Jesus bridged the gap between us so we would have no excuse. We are all accountable for our own actions, whether a law is in place or not (Romans 3:9-20). Ultimately, we are bound to follow the law, however petty, as long as it doesn't cause us to sin against God. In the end, the only hope for humanity is Jesus Christ, because the government is powerless without him. It doesn't matter how many laws they pass or how many kids they get to pass a test to make them appear smarter (different gripe, possible future blog). If God is not involved, that person is inevitably fueling their own agenda and satisfying their own ambition (Romans 8:5-8).

Wow, this comment is much bigger and deeper than I had originally intended. I originally just wanted to agree and rant with you guys. However, the biggest problem of all isn't that foolish laws are being passed or that the government is becoming too big. The problem is that our country is being run by Godless men and women who are still dead in their sins, yet are attempting to tell the rest of the world what is right and wrong "in their own eyes" (which the book of Judges shows is a foolish thing in and of itself) instead of submitting themselves to the one who is the very incarnate of good: Jesus. The government used to understand the importance of God, but our current government has completely rejected him. It's such a sad thing and things will continue to go downhill until this country submits to him again.