Friday, September 05, 2008

The Cell Phone Law

The Cell phone law is so irritating. This new law (details found here) is so unnecessary. I don't care what studies they have that prove people are not as aware when talking on the phone. Truth is, the law does not prevent talking on the phone, it prevents having one in your hand. The fact of the matter is that any idiot that would potentially get in an accident over "phone distraction" will just as easily fall prey to any other distraction while driving. In this case we better make a law against driving with a "double double" in your hand or make it illegal for a mother to drive with children in the back seat.

Everyone has distractions on the road. Trying to outlaw distractions is like outlawing banks because they could potentially be robbed. Distractions should be dealt with by the people not by the government. If a cop sees someone driving recklessly because he/she is talking on the phone, that should be means for a ticket, not just the fact they are talking on the phone. People need to know their limits. I for one, know that I can talk on the phone while driving just fine, but switching lanes takes an extra amount of focus on my part, so when the time comes to switch lanes, I put the phone down. I do not talk on the phone in chaotic traffic because I need to concentrate on the road. People just need to use common sense. I guess I just get irritated when I see new laws passed that are dealing with common sense type issues. Why are we "forced" to wear seat belts, wear helmets, and use bluetooth?